The crowd pleaser…


A little more than a week ago I posted a photo on Instagram and promised I would share the recipe. The photo was of a delicious homemade bread that I had just served for dinner that night. The recipe has been on my “Must Try” list for a while and I finally did. Since I have made it several times now, I can safely say that it wasn’t a fluke! It is really easy and if I can do it, you can do it! And, it is amazingly good! So, no need to drag this one out folks. I just followed the recipe from over on that I found floating around on Pinterest. Here is the pin image, you may have seen it, if not I did add it to my “Breads” board for easy finding.  Take a moment and stay a while and check out her blog, it really is a wealth of amazing recipes.

peasant bread

Doesn’t that look fantastic? I promise you it is. I have made the faux-focaccia version each time I have made it thus far, simply because I love focaccia bread. I am positive that the original recipe will be wonderful, in fact I plan to make that tomorrow since we are out of bread again.


I was always so intimidated by bread making. I have never in my life tried to make it before this. (confession: I had to look up ‘punching down dough’ to be sure I was doing it right the first time I made it. Total Rookie, here) But it really was so very simple and honest to goodness good bread!


I have now made this several times and I am confident enough in this recipe that I shared this at a dinner party! And let me tell you, this is in deed a crowd pleaser. There is just something so magical about fresh bread. And this is the kind you can smell baking before you even walk in the house, it’s that warm, cozy, ‘there’s no place like home’ kind of smell and feeling. It is the collective upturned noses, closed eyes, and deep inhale of the wonderful smell when you carry it in to share with guests. It is really something special, and it is so very easy.


Now, one thing I have learned is not to expose it to rapid temperature changes. I took a loaf to a dinner party last week. Straight out of the oven to the car and then back into a warm house after a 25 minute car ride. This didn’t affect the flavor, just the texture. Instead of being spongy and delicate, it just made it a bit more chewy. Other than that this one is a win every time.


 Now, I know that we are all health conscious these days, as are we. And while this may be carb and white flour heavy, this is chemical and preservative free. In fact, it will only last about a week, depending on how you store it. What this is is simple, real, honest ingredients; this is knowing exactly what is going into your food and your body. And so in my book, that qualifies as good for you food.


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