Monday quick fix – something green

Monday is here again and I have another quick fix for you. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day it’s even green – sort of. The star ingredient is anyways.


This is my Zucchini Bread spun healthy-ish treat. We love Zucchini in our house and usually we get a ton from the garden and are just about all zucchini-ed out by the time the next growing season is upon us. But this long, cold winter had us craving some of our summer favorites. So Aubie Cakes and I ‘quick fix’ed that right up today!

The house smells amazing and we have awesome breakfast or snack or lunch treats for the week now! And it really is quick to throw together. It does take a while to bake but just set a timer so you don’t forget and you can be doing bed time routines and before you know, voila fresh delicious zucchini bread!


So without further ado:
Mamas (sorta healthy makeover- shhh don’t tell the kids) Zucchini Bread

3 C flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp ground cinnamon (more or less to your liking)
3 eggs
1/2 C extra light olive oil (in place of veggie oil)
1/2 C plus 2 tbsp unsweetened natural applesauce (to eliminate all that oil)
2 1/4 C coconut sugar (can be hard to find, try your gluten free isle. It does have a slightly different flavor than sugarcane. I would describe it almost caramel-like or a bit nutty. It’s delicious! I substitute coconut sugar for anything I can!)
3 tsp Vanilla Extract
3 C freshly grated zucchini
1 C chopped walnuts (optional)

Sift all dry ingredients together, flour, salt, soda, powder, cinnamon, in a large bowl and set aside.

In a mixing bowl or the bowl of your stand mixer add eggs, oil, applesauce, coconut sugar, and vanilla. Beat until well combined and creamy.

Add the sifted dry ingredients to the mixture all at once. Beat on medium low until well combined. You should have a nice thick consistency that is a bit sticky. Not too runny as zucchini has a lot of water content and will thin out the batter after you add it in.



Remove bowl from mixer.


Finely shred 2 medium green zucchini into the bowl. I use about 3 cups (loosely packed) and the consistency of the bread is perfect.

Gently fold zucchini and walnuts into the batter, careful to maintain the consistency of the zucchini and walnut. Do not over mix. Just be sure the zucchini and walnuts are evenly distributed.

Pour into two pre treated pans. I used baking spray with flour on a small loaf pan and an 8×8 square pan. I filled both about half full. They rose beautifully but did not overfill the pans.

Bake at 325 for approximately 60 minutes. Or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool on a rack for at least 15-20 minutes prior to removing from the pan.



A little late night snack I won’t be angry with myself for tomorrow.

That’s it for our quick fix, I promise it’s so simple, comes together quickly, and you’d never know you cut the sugar and oil to practically nothing. It has the taste of all the guilt without actually having to feel badly!

The crowd pleaser…


A little more than a week ago I posted a photo on Instagram and promised I would share the recipe. The photo was of a delicious homemade bread that I had just served for dinner that night. The recipe has been on my “Must Try” list for a while and I finally did. Since I have made it several times now, I can safely say that it wasn’t a fluke! It is really easy and if I can do it, you can do it! And, it is amazingly good! So, no need to drag this one out folks. I just followed the recipe from over on that I found floating around on Pinterest. Here is the pin image, you may have seen it, if not I did add it to my “Breads” board for easy finding.  Take a moment and stay a while and check out her blog, it really is a wealth of amazing recipes.

peasant bread

Doesn’t that look fantastic? I promise you it is. I have made the faux-focaccia version each time I have made it thus far, simply because I love focaccia bread. I am positive that the original recipe will be wonderful, in fact I plan to make that tomorrow since we are out of bread again.


I was always so intimidated by bread making. I have never in my life tried to make it before this. (confession: I had to look up ‘punching down dough’ to be sure I was doing it right the first time I made it. Total Rookie, here) But it really was so very simple and honest to goodness good bread!


I have now made this several times and I am confident enough in this recipe that I shared this at a dinner party! And let me tell you, this is in deed a crowd pleaser. There is just something so magical about fresh bread. And this is the kind you can smell baking before you even walk in the house, it’s that warm, cozy, ‘there’s no place like home’ kind of smell and feeling. It is the collective upturned noses, closed eyes, and deep inhale of the wonderful smell when you carry it in to share with guests. It is really something special, and it is so very easy.


Now, one thing I have learned is not to expose it to rapid temperature changes. I took a loaf to a dinner party last week. Straight out of the oven to the car and then back into a warm house after a 25 minute car ride. This didn’t affect the flavor, just the texture. Instead of being spongy and delicate, it just made it a bit more chewy. Other than that this one is a win every time.


 Now, I know that we are all health conscious these days, as are we. And while this may be carb and white flour heavy, this is chemical and preservative free. In fact, it will only last about a week, depending on how you store it. What this is is simple, real, honest ingredients; this is knowing exactly what is going into your food and your body. And so in my book, that qualifies as good for you food.


my first blogging casulty…

i somehow lost a post. a post that shows a save just a few minutes ago when it was all but complete… a post with all text written and proof read with several links and images and research done… a post that now, of course, seems brilliant and as though i will never be that witty again…

Have you ever done this friends? The loss of more than an hour of precious time on a Saturday afternoon snuck in during nap time and between the other typical household duties.

Painful, I tell you, painful.

So now, I am out of time and must run onto the next thing. As soon as I can recreate my seemingly lost brilliance I will get that recipe to you. It’s a good one and worth sharing. Sorry friends. I will be smarter next time and save elsewhere rather than relying on the draft saves.

oh the growing pains of blogging.

Monday Quick Fix – dessert in a jar…for your coffee

that's good joe

Oh man you guys, I just couldn’t wait to share this. Just a short little quick fix to cure your case of the Mondays! (Or Tuesdays depending on when you are reading this.)

Recently, I began making my own liquid coffee creamer. It’s my own concoction of several different recipes and suggestions I found all over the web, with my own spin on it. It is incredibly good, you can make it for pennies on the dollar, it’s healthier than the store bought creamers, and it lasts approximately 2 weeks… if you can keep it around that long, that is! My last batch – (“Va-nin-a” – Aubie Cakes) – lasted almost 2 weeks and I only made about 3/4 of a 1 quart mason jar full.

Well, it ran out. Boo. On a Monday. Double boo. . And if you know me at all, you know I have a serious coffee problem. I just lurve it – and I don’t use the ‘lurve’ lightly, y’all.  But I do love my flavored creamers. I don’t take sugar or anything just a little bit of some tasty flavor and I am good. to. go. But without it… well, let’s just not even go there, it’s ugly. Needless to say, Tuesday is just around the corner and there will be coffee so there must be creamer.

Now, I don’t know about the rest of you out there in blog-land but around here I cannot escape Girl Scout Cookies. I have yet to cave, I am doing good so far (side bar: girl scout cookies have become pricy little buggers,  I have at least come close enough to know what they cost) but I do love me some Thin Mints. Which got me to thinking about one of my favorite seasonal creamers, peppermint mocha. And that led me to think about how could I make a Thin Mint creamer. Guys I am here to tell you, I am nothing if not determined, but it only took one try. I made my very own Mint Chocolate Creamer with ingredients from my pantry (read: FREE DOLLARS, y’all) that is to die for and tastes like Thin Mint Cookies… craving satisfied. I could just eat it by the spoon full. Truth be told, I did just that a few times. Don’t judge me, you’ll see! Just try it! Besides, I can’t have coffee after 2 pm or I am a total insomniac. Sad but true. So a spoonful will have to do until morning.


Just look at that little heart that my spill made. It’s a sign, it is just that good you guys!

Let’s just get right down to it:

Mint Chocolate Coffee Creamer


Ingredient List:

(1) 14 oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk

(2) cans full of vanilla soy milk (refill your condensed milk can) *If you only have milk, that is fine too, it will just be slightly less thick and your jar may be too full for two cans full.

(2) tsp mint extract (more or less to your liking)

(1) tsp Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder

(1) tsp Unsweetened Cocoa powder

cocoa & mint

(1) quart sized Mason jar with screw on lid


Add condensed milk and soy (or regular) milk in jar, shake well

Add mint and both cocoa powders, shake well

Open jar, stir. The cocoa will take a while to be absorbed so re-seal it, pop it in the fridge, and just give it a shake any time you get int the fridge and before use.

Trust me on this, it is desert in a jar … for your morning coffee. ‘Till next time, enjoy babies.

Chocolate Mint Creamer

*ps. I am thinking of making the quick fix a permanent fixture around here, pun intented. What do you think? The main difference is the length and complexity. But, you might have noticed, it’s shot completely on my iPhone. Which does make it quicker and easier to publish for me… so ‘quick fix’ is really fitting in so many ways. What do you think? Fun feature or miss the good quality photos and longer text?

Tried and True

sugar mess turned art

Some things in life are just sure-fire wins. The things you count on to be wonderful and put a smile on your face every time, no matter what. Like hearing your child say “I love you”, or seeing the first flower break through the ground in spring, or snow falling at Christmas time. Some recipes are that way, too. Perhaps not because of its complexity, but rather the memory of sharing that meal or baked good with loved ones.

This time of year always brings one of those to mind for me… and probably most of my immediate family. My Dad’s birthday just passed by and like any other year, he wanted 7-Up Cake, his favorite. It’s not a difficult cake to make, by any means, nor is it fancy. It is simple and honest and a true blue classic in our house hold. The smell of this cake baking can take me back to being 7 years old in an instant. Or really to any age, since I cannot remember a year that we didn’t have it for his birthday. Even years I lived away and was unable to be home to share a piece, I know it was there. It is just a given. And it never disappoints. It’s always delicious and comforting.

Recently, while shopping at our local K-mart, I found wax melts (you may know these as tarts) by ‘essentialhome’ in ‘Lemon Sugar Cookie’ and I grabbed a pack, simply because I love lemon. I was not prepared for what happened when I got home and tried one. My whole house smelled like my Dad’s birthday. And, I was that person, you know the one who a candle (well, sort of candle) made me hungry! I have it burning, err, melting, again now as I write this, drool!

Little Helpers

Yesterday, with the help of Aubie Cakes and one other special little helper, I made my own 7-Up Cake for Dad’s birthday. While it was baking, home felt especially homey! So today I would like to share this recipe with you. This one is not up for edits in my house. I do follow it to a T, because with an old recipe like this one, you want it to taste the same as you remember it, every time. That isn’t to say, if you try it, you might want to edit it to your liking, feel free, but in my house, this one is off-limits!

7-Up Cake – original recipe from a family member. *I prefer not to publish her name, she recently passed away and she is missed.

1 1/2 C butter (softened, not melted)
3 C Sugar
5 large eggs
3 C flour
2 Tbsp Lemon Extract
3/4 C 7-Up


mix it up 


—pre-heat oven to 325 degrees
—grease and flour a large bundt pan (yes, both, trust me)
*Fluted or Angel food style, either one is fine. Use at least a 10 in round pan, this makes a lot of batter.
—cream sugar and butter together until light and fluffy – I do this in my stand mixer on medium/low for approximately 5 min +/- (depending on how soft your butter is to start).
—Add eggs one at a time beating well between each addition
—Add four one cup at a time, beating well between each addition
— Beat in lemon extract and 7-Up

—Pour batter into your prepared bundt pan.

—Bake at 325 degrees for 1 to 1 1/4 hours

7-Up Cake in pan

Let the cake in the pan to cool until just warm to the touch. Put a charger, dinner plate, cake stand, or serving or storage  dish of your choice upside-down on top of your bundt pan, then turn over quickly. Your cake should fall right out, if not, lightly tap on the sides to loosen. Serve warm.

7-Up Cake, Done

While this isn’t an overly sweet cake, we have never iced or glazed this cake. You surely could make a light lemon glaze for it to add some extra sweetness and decoration. Totally your call. But, hey, the whole ‘naked’ cake thing is so in right now! Just Google ‘wedding cake trends’, I’ll wait.

7-Up Cake, Sliced

You’re back? See what I mean!? Hope you enjoy this as much as my family does. Happy mess making!


Success is … delicious!

These days we live in such a technologically connected world. We are all on some form of social media (I mean here you sit reading this blog!) One of the challenges of such wonderful connectivity is that we have so many digital files, photos, ideas, recipes, inspiration, etc. But what do we do with it? Do we utilize it and benefit from it? Well, I for one am trying to start my own personal revolution to get back to a place where technology is actually bettering my life in some way. So, I have been diligently plugging away through hundreds of pins and actually making, doing, creating, and trying to pass this information along, for whatever its worth. And in the mean time, I am creating a memory keeper for the little things in life that I love so much and that allow me to spend time with my daughter making, doing, and creating. And all this making, doing, and creating allows me to share some pretty wonderful stuff with my family and the people I love the most. So, while this isn’t meant to necessarily be a Myth Busters for Pinterest kind of blog, it will in effect, have some of that from time to time.

Whew, so now that we have that out of the way, I want to share a pretty wonderful little Pinterest inspired recipe with you. You may have seen this pin floating around Pinterest. This is a great site and a great post with all kinds of wonderful information. You should totally check it out.

Well, I like yogurt, and I like oatmeal, and I really like fruit and I love quick, easy, on the go, yummy snacks that Aubie Cakes will love too – especially if they are packaged in mason jars!! So, this one was a no brainer. We had to try it.

And folks, let me tell you, it is fabulous! And my Aubie cakes can totally help with this one!

I was a little afraid of the serve cold factor and the texture but it is similar to yogurt with granola just not as crunchy and totally delicious. As I may have mentioned I am not typically an exact follower of recipes, but that is the beauty of this one. It is so easy to adapt to your own tastes and likes. They were fun, and easy, and pretty to make, and a big hit. I was kind and shared with friends and family and they all gave this one the stamp of approval. This one has been officially moved to my “Success!” board on Pinterest to be added to my regular cycle of kitchen endeavors. So with out further ado, let me show you just how easy this is….

Step by step break down:

  • assemble your ingredients for easy filling
  • add the basic three elements to all jars: oats, milk, yogurt, shake well
  • add ingredients to create your flavor of choice, screw lid in place tightly
  • place in refrigerator overnight, enjoy in the morning

*eat within 3-4 depending on the elements inside. If fresh fruit is involved try to enjoy within 2 days.

Seriously, how easy is that?!

So let’s get to it!

First, assemble some clean mason jars – I, like the Yummy Life, started with some pint sized jars I had on hand for the portability and single serving factor. These worked beautifully. And I followed the basis of her recipe as a starting pointImage

1/4 C Old fashioned oats – not quick oats, they would set up too fast, thus making mush, yuck.

1/4 C greek yogurt – I used vanilla – its what I had on hand (in fact I had a number of individual yogurt cups that were nearing expiration, I cannot stand to waste, so they were rescued by this experiment. By the way, I got about 2 jars out of each of the containers – just happened to be the Dannon brand Greek, light and fit, Vanilla in the purple packaging.)

1/3 C milk – I used 2% the first batch and vanilla soy milk for my second go round. For the record both set up nearly the same, but I think the soy makes for a slightly thicker consistency, which I prefer.


This is a basic dump, every jar starts with these three basic elements. So, assemble right in the jar, screw on your lids tightly (I used my metal lids so I could be sure I got a good seal when complete) and then give the jar a good shake. Carefully unscrew your cap, the pressure can make the jars want to spray – a little like a shaken soda can, and then the fun part begins!

And this is where I strayed from the recipes on the Pinned site and did my own experimenting. I used some of the flavor suggestions, but I changed the ingredients and amounts to suit my own liking. So, this is where you get creative friends!

Now may be a good time to stop for just a moment and chat about my mason jar filling funnel. I picked one of these up at my local Wal-mart for around $2 during the holidays, but they are not seasonal, they should have them all of the time. In my store they are right with the canning items and the jars. I cannot say enough how amazing this little $2 device is for this kind of quick assembly stuff. Oh, and jar recipe gifts, trust me; YOU NEED THIS!!! Especially if you are like me and have your own little Aubie Cakes helping you out in the kitchen. It can be the difference between a ‘great big guy’ mess and a ‘teeny tiny little guy’ mess, as Aubie Cakes would say.


Anyways, back to our story. I have made 14 total jars, not bad for still being on my first container of old fashioned oats, and I still have about a quarter of a container left. I tried to mostly stick to items already in my pantry, or items I tend to keep on hand, as this is an exercise in being cost effective as well. I would say in total I spent $3.00 for this project (for the oats), nothing else was purchased specifically to make these jars, all ingredients came from my cabinets and these do not require enough quantity of any one ingredient to cause you to need to buy special or replace even after making a batch of these; making these literally pennies to make and fill with the flavors you love.


There is absolutely no sugar added to any of these and many of the ingredients I chose were all natural, making these wonderfully simple and nutritious. In a few of the jars, I added a little natural honey or pure, natural maple syrup to give the combination a little sweetness and to balance out the vanilla or the tartness of the fruit used, this is completely optional. I did some with and some without. I couldn’t tell the difference, to be honest. So my second batch, I skipped all the additional sweeteners. Natural or not, they simply were not necessary.


A good, tasty, healthy, fast, and filling breakfast that the kiddos love too….. this is a win for everyone!

Need a little inspiration for flavor combinations!?

Here are some I have already tried:


Raspberry Vanilla – an adaptation of the Pinterest Recipe

4-5 tbsp Raspberry Jam (depending on your taste preference and how full your jar is, p.s. I am big on taste testing, these are perfectly safe to do a little finger dip taste test just for flavor along the way. mmmm, and who can resist!)

5 or so frozen Raspberries give or take depending on how much room you have in your jar

The vanilla comes from the vanilla greek yogurt and the vanilla soy. mmmm tasty!

add to the main ingredients and stir well until combined.


Apple Cinnamon – an adaptation of the Pinterest Recipe

enough apple sauce to fill jar

1 tbsp. of natural honey for a little extra sweetness

cinnamon to your liking

fresh sliced apples to you liking (mine did not brown with the jars sealed)

add to the main ingredients and stir well until combined.


Pumpkin Roll –

3 tbsp. Pumpkin

seasoned to your liking some suggestions would be nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, or ginger

Vanilla from the yogurt and the soy milk

add to the main ingredients and stir well until combined.

Pineapple Coconut Vanilla –

Pineapple chunks and juice to your liking and to fill the jar

approx. 1 tbsp. shredded coconut

pinch of ginger

add to the main ingredients and stir well until combined.

Currently in my ‘fridge to try next Maple Banana Nut and Vanilla Apple Butter from my second batch. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know how they turn out and share my recipe if they are as tasty as the others.

And it really is that simple folks! Chalk up another Pinterest success!


Thanks for sticking with me through this whole post! Now go whip up your own creations and let me know what you might come up with, I am always looking for new recipes. Enjoy! I know I will!


Mama Bakes

**update:: I tried the Maple Banana Nut today; it was fantastic! It might just take the top spot as my favorite so far. So, as promised here are the additional ingredients:
Walnuts to your liking
1tbsp maple syrup (you may like more this amount will give you a very mild maple flavor)
Freshly sliced bananas to your liking
*eat this one within a day or so because of the fresh bananas.
This was really so good. I especially loved the crunch of the walnuts. Enjoy friends!

It just got real, y’all!

So, Behind the scenes I have been working hard on creating this digital presence that will become the home of Aubie Cakes & Mama Bakes. We are now officially on Facebook and Instagram! I am still debating Twitter… any comments as to the benefits of Twitter would be much appreciated! I am not now nor have I ever been a Tweet-er, or twitter-er, or chirpy. But now I think we are off in a whole different direction… Anyways, I now feel that all the ground work has been laid and things can now progress as planned with the fun stuff! I have been diligently documenting our adventures in crafting and cooking and baking and have a lot to share. So here is to new adventures!

Let the adventure begin…

Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about starting this little blog. It is not something I just wanted to jump into, as I feel the web is inundated with blogs. What did I really have to offer? What was my message? I wanted to make sure I had content and ideas worth sharing. Something that would better my life by giving me a creative outlet to share my love of photography, writing, and all of the crazy projects me and my favorite little helper take on; and just maybe, inspire a few people along the way too. That would be amazing! So, with that goal in mind, I decided to give this a go! Over the past few weeks I have been making a conscious effort to document our projects and adventures. I have a number of things I am looking forward to sharing. Things like home-made gum drops (yummy!) Our favorite go to Muddie Buddy/Puppy Chow recipe (always a hit) and some amazing cupcakes (spoiler alert, I found a copycat that is to die for!!). A lot of the projects that we take on are things we see on the web, other blogs, and Pinterest and decide to try for ourselves. Many others are things that are traditions in my family or things that we dream up and create. Most recently a snow fortress with some serious style! So, without further ado: Hi, I am Mama Bakes and my best little helper is Aubie Cakes and we are very happy to meet you and share our adventures with you. Cheers!