Sweet like candy…

You know what’s gluten free? Lots and lots of different kinds of candy and gelatin based treats and things very high in sugar. There is actually a bit of a danger and a back lash in many gluten free items because of the typical additional refined sugar. If you are conscious of it, it’s no big deal and easy enough to avoid with plenty of options that are quite healthy instead, but you do have to be aware of the tradeoffs, I am learning. As with anything there is a give and a take and a balance. It is a whole new learning curve that I feel I am just barely at the point of understanding but I am nothing if not determined to learn as much as I can! So little by little I am tackling and mastering recipes of all kinds. Trying to prepare myself for many a birthday party to come when I need to be prepared to send Aubie Cakes with her own cupcake, favors, snacks, etc., in an effort to keep the family she is visiting stress free.

One of the things I have mastered is making homemade gum drops. Yep, you read that right, homemade gum drops.




Now, if you are anything like me you may remember gum drops as rock hard, not all that appealing or tasty, thimble shaped treats, typically found at Easter time… yep, not something I would care to recreate at all. But then I saw this http://www.bakerella.com/goodie-goodie on Pinterest and fell in love with the way these looked for Aubie Cake’s birthday party back in January. I tried them and was totally shocked; as was the rest of my family and friends….these are the antitheses of what I recall!




These are light and sweet and delightfully chewy and soft in the center with a satisfying outer shell that crunches a bit as you take a bite. Yum!!! And oh so pretty!!


They make wonderful favors or candy dish fillers. They are charming, vibrant, and just the perfect size for a quick pick me up without being overly indulgent. They last quite a long time just sitting out or in a covered jar. They will absolutely impress your guests, in fact, if they are anything like the guests and friends that received the ones I have made, they may not believe that you made them all! But you will know better!

I think they tend to get better with age as that outer shell develops and the crunch is ever more satisfying. They are completely customizable in flavor and color and have a lovely sparkle from that outer sugar coating. They are a little bit of a labor of love but mostly just in the number of steps and time required because the steps are spread out with curing time and drying time and what not, none of which are at all difficult, you just need to plan ahead a little.



I have made them 4 times or so now with the same great results each time. I am sure I will keep making them in the future as well. Each batch makes around 200-300 gumdrops depending on how you cut them, in as many colors and flavors as you would like based on how you pour the gelatin into the pans that you have on hand. No need for fancy equipment for these. I am sure you have what you need in your kitchen right now.

Here is the recipe – followed almost exactly from Bakerella – http://www.Bakerella.com – it’s a great recipe and a great site, check it out!!

You will need to following:





4 tbs (approx. 6 packets) Unflavored Gelatin – Knox brand is gluten free, sold in boxes of 4 packets so you would need 2 boxes.
1C cold water
1½C boiling water
4C sugar
¼tsp ish flavor of choice – mint, lemon, and raspberry have been our favorites so far – FYI the mint is very strong a little goes a long way.
Food coloring any color, to your liking – each pan can be its own flavor and/or color
Extra sugar – you will want to completely cover those gumdrops after they have chilled at least overnight and you cut them to your desired sizes.

Kitchen tools:

Sauce pan
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Metal baking pans – I have tried glass and metal – the metal seems much easier to remove the sticky gelatin as long as you remember to spray – I use two 8×8 square metal pans typically but you can do whatever you’d like.
Pam or cooking spray of choice





Soften gelatin in a medium sized sauce pan by pouring all of the gelatin and the cold water into the pan, stir and let sit for 5 minutes.
Boil 1 ½ C water (I usually do this right in my glass measuring cup in the microwave to save me on some dishes)
Add boiling water to the gelatin after you have let it soften, stir until all gelatin dissolves
Stir in 4C of sugar
Place saucepan on stove and bring to a boil over medium-high heat – boil for 25 minutes continuously stirring constantly.
Immediately pour the gelatin sugar mixture into the pans you have prepared.
Flavor and color to your liking in the pan and stir gently until well combined



Cover and place in the refrigerator to set over night.
The next day you will remove the mix from the pans and cut as desired.

I have learned a few tricks along the way I think you would appreciate –

  • Cover the entire top of the pan with sugar and pat to absorb prior to trying to remove
  • Run a knife all the way around the edges allowing sugar to slip in between and underneath the slab of gum drop goodness
  • Slowly pull away from the pan, if you remember to grease the pans and followed the above it should be hesitant but it should come out pretty easily it will stretch a good bit but should not break. It is very elastic
  • Keep sugar handy and immediately as you expose a side when cutting cover in sugar to help ease the stickiness
  • Cut into pieces as you desire – I usually do cubes, I just think they are super cute and great for packaging. Part of the charm is that these are homemade so don’t dwell too much on uniformity.




Leave the gum drops out in the open air at room temperature for 2-3 days to allow the sugar to crystalize, trust me, this is crucial, try, try, try to avoid temptation, they only get better, I promise!!


What you do with them from there is up to you! Give them away in cute little treat sacks, put them in your candy dish on your desk at work and watch them disappear, or keep them all for yourself and eat them all up, I won’t judge!




But really just enjoy and wait and see how many people give you the “you made these? No seriously? You made these?!” looks and comments
– why yes, yes you did, you domestic goddess (or god) you!