A good problem to have…


Being crazy busy is one problem I have always been so very grateful to have! In the last few weeks you may have seen a few sneak peaks as to things that have been going on with us. We officially received and delivered on our first two orders ever! Aubie Cakes is a real thing now, y’all! I am so excited! And I am honored to have been chosen to be part of two such special events in two amazing couples’ lives! I have had a ton of fun and being too busy to update the blog is a problem I am willing to have, any day! So 200+ macarons and one very special surprise macaron cake later a wonderful couple got married yesterday and begin their journey as a family together. Day 1, today!


On the flip side a wonderful couple announced the gender of their second baby (currently in incubation phase) with one of my cakes!!! I honestly never knew or intended for this to turn into a bakery business, it just never really crossed my mind. But I will sure take it! Aubie Cakes – open for business! Specializing in French Macarons and proud to offer gluten free options!


can we talk about how cute the heart shaped ones are?!



Which brings me to the other side of this post. While things have been moving along at lightening speed, we have been dealing some pretty scary health issues with my daughter. The root cause is still under investigation but for now we are being asked to run some trial elimination diets. The first, Gluten Free. I will admit I have been highly skeptical of this whole G free craze and was viewing it as a money maker and a made up doctor diagnosis for when they didn’t have an answer, sort of like the medical equivalent of a Hallmark Holiday (yes, I am one of those people) …. however, I am slowly becoming a believer. We have seen an enormous difference in Aubie Cakes in the few days we have had her on this diet and I feel great  when I follow it, too. Hubby and I are mostly following this by default as it seems horribly unfair to eat things she can’t have in front of her. I understand this is a lesson and something we will eventually need to teach but this is all new and she is only just barely 5 years old. I don’t have the heart right now.


But this is not meant to be sad or woeful news friends, I am using this as an opportunity. I refuse to see this as anything but a unique challenge that is a wonderful opportunity. It is hard to find tasty meals and sweet treats that are gluten free, especially in my current, very small, hometown. So, it has become my goal to live gluten free, with Aubie Cakes and to make some damn tasty treats that laugh in the face of gluten and wheat flour… whhaaa haa haa haa haa….. too much? Okay, so I’m a Mama on a mission, what can I say. Look friends, I’ve been through some stuff in my life and all it has taught me, really, is to always be prepared for the next big change or challenge but to look it square in the eye and not only meet but exceed it’s demands. And if you can laugh all the way, well that’s just sprinkles on the top of my gluten free cupcake, y’all. And they are tasty!


(this was loving referred to as Macaron Madness rather than March Madness in the basketball sense, around our house)



So, now you know what’s been going on with me… I am thinking of putting my macarons up for sale. Local stores, farmers markets etc. so for now that is a top secret recipe! Sorry! But I can share pretty photos all day long, which I will do, shamelessly, taunting you with the deliciousness, here and on Instagram and on Facebook and well, anywhere really. The lovely bride has me quite obsessed! And – Hey! they are gluten free!! Whoot!!! Big score for our household!


So, enjoy the eye candy feast while I work on some other recipes to share that are tasty and gluten free. Working on converting my White Velvet (yes, you read that right and; yes, drool is the appropriate reaction, I won’t judge) cake recipe to Gluten free this afternoon. I promise I will share the success, when I achieve it!! Thanks for sticking with me friends, and if I can fulfill any macaron orders you, just say the word, my piping bag is never far from reach! Check out this surprise Macaron Cake I made the happy new couple… Nutella Buttercream frosting, fresh raspberries, whipped cream… oh yeah, yum!!!
